cute cuddly counselor

cute cuddly counselor

I found a new term for lovely single women: “cute cuddly counselor”. Note, I said LOVELY single women. Not the rotten ones. Here’s what happens: — 1. The man is highly drawn to you and can’t figure out why. However, he DO know he’s not happy. — 2. You welcome him in into your life […]

love is a verb.

love is a verb.

It takes a lot of passion to show the love you have for someone. The vulnerability. The trust. The undeniable chemistry. This doesn’t happen by doing nothing. A lot of action takes place. love is a verb. so is “talk”. Communication is key in every relationship. Business, friendship, family and your significant other. Body language […]

reminders for stress.

reminders for stress.

When life delivers a dose of difficulty and stress… Happiness is never constant, and it’s not supposed to be. – You have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life.  To believe that you can reach a state of happiness and stay there forever, is like the tide believing she […]